Fried Matzo or Gilding the Lily
1 matzo
matzo meal
1 jumbo or extra large egg
½ eggshell of cold water
¼ tsp. salt
3 tsp. butter
Beat egg, salt and water well. Add matzo meal, starting with about
3 tsp. Beat well and add more until mixture is thick enough to spread
on the matzo. If too thin, it won’t stay on, if too thick it won’t cover
both sides. Heat frying pan. Spread half of the mix on one side of matzo. Melt
1½ tsp. butter in pan. Put in matzo, mixture side down. Spread
other half of mix on top. Cook for a minute. Lift matzo on spatula
and add butter to pan. Turn matzo over carefully. Cook until lightly
brown on both sides, turning once or twice. Go directly to the hospital
after eating.