Emma’s Knaidlach
My mother was never satisfied with her matzo balls, although they were
always delicious. Every year, when Passover rolled around she would
try a new variation of the recipe in her search for a knaidel that would
be so light that it would almost float around the room. Finally, one
year she achieved her ambition. In addition to being delicious, her
matzo balls were so light that if you blew on them, they would float, if
not across the room, across the bowl of soup. The family declared it
the year that “Emma Conquered the Knaidel.”
4 eggs, separated
3 T schmaltz
1 scant cup of matzo meal
¼ cup sparkling water
½ tsp. salt
Beat the egg yolks well. Add schmaltz, salt and matzo meal. Refrigerate
at lest one hour. Whip the egg whites until stiff. Add soda water
to batter and mix. Fold in egg whites until combined. Drop balls
into boiling, salted water. Cover tightly and cook at a slow boil for
20 minutes. Do not uncover the pot until done.